Available Opportunities

Here you can find the positions, scholarships and opportunities available in the C4AI.

PhD scholarship for researching neuro-symbolic reasoning based on probabilistic logic programming REF:23PESQ-003
  • Added on 12/11/2023
  • Expires on 07/31/2024

See the position requirements and send your resume.

Project title: Neural Inductive Logic Programming

Position: PhD research

Supervisor name: Denis Deratani Mauá

Type (JC, undergrad, master, PhD, PD): (PhD)

Scholarship Amount: from BRL$ 3694.80 to BRL$ 4572.90

Weekly Work Hours: 40 hours

Number of months: 36 months

Despite the impressive results obtained in the last decades, deep-learning based intelligent systems are still hard to build, debug and validate. Particularly, it is notoriously difficult to conciliate the output of such systems with business logic, legislation, security and safety rules and domain and commonsense knowledge. The project “Neural Inductive Logic Programming” ( https://www.ime.usp.br/~ddm/project/neuroproblog/) will develop the theoretical framework for building an improved neuro-symbolic reasoning system based on probabilistic logic programming, called DPASP. A brief description of the framework in its current state is found here: https://www.ime.usp.br/~ddm/project/neuroproblog/klricml2023.pdf and here: https://kamel.ime.usp.br/pages/learn_dpasp.

This PhD research shall develop new and more scalable inference algorithms for DPASP programs. The algorithms shall be evaluated on real-world problems involving probabilistic argumentation and text understanding. The scholarship is funded by the Sao Paulo Research (FAPESP) Grant PI 2022/02937-9. It is also connected to the research group on Knowledge Enhanced Machine Learning of the Center for Artificial Intelligence of USP, a research center co-funded by FAPESP e IBM Research (see https://c4ai.inova.usp.br/).


  • MSc in Computer Science or related field (concluded or about to conclude).
  • Basic knowledge of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (including propositional logic).
  • Programming in Python and C.
  • Full-time commitment to research (40h/week).


  • knowledge of Bayesian networks and statistical relational learning (Markov Logic Networks, ProbLog, etc)

Applications should be sent to the email ddm@ime.usp.br, with subject: “PhD DPASP”, containing the following documents:

  • Motivation letter (3-page long max., in PDF), describing competences and interest on the position;
  • References (contact address and relation) of 2 recommenders, with academic relevant association (former advisor, lectures, indirect supervisor, etc);
  • Academic Records of undergraduate and graduate studies (in PDF) e copy of MSc thesis (in PDF, even if preliminary);
  • CV;
  • Papers co-authored by the candidate, even if unpublished (in PDF).

Pre-selected candidates will be asked to attend an interview by video call, where further inquiries can be made and questions about the positions can be resolved.

IMPORTANT: The selected candidate shall be approved by the PhD Program at IME (https://www.ime.usp.br/pos-computacao/) and screened by FAPESP.

Duration: 36 months

Workplace: University of São Paulo Campus da Capital (IME-USP)

Characteristics and values: On-site, 40 hours per week, 36 months, from BRL$ 3694.80 to BRL$ 4572.90

Address: Av. Prof. Lucio Martins Rodrigues 370 – Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP

The scholarship stipend follows the fixed values set by FAPESP, available on https://fapesp.br/valores/bolsasnopais. Currently, the value ranges from BRL$ 3694.80 to BRL$ 4572.90. The scholarship is accompanied by a technical reserve allotment, which allows financial support for travels, participation in academic events, acquisition of electronic equipments, bibliography, etc. The selected candidate shall pursue the PhD and carry research in the Artificial Intelligence Group of IME-USP ( https://liamf.ime.usp.br/), one of the most prestigious institutions in Latin America das instituições mais prestigiadas da América Latina. The research group has modern facilities and good working environment, located at the Butanta Campus, a vast green and calm area in the city of Sao Paulo. The candidate shall interact with other researches of Center for Artificial Intelligence of USP ( https://c4ai.inova.usp.br/). The work schedule is flexible and intellectually stimulating. There is a possibility to apply for additional funding for a research internship abroad.

A connected history of the Middle Ages REF:23TT4-007
  • Added on 12/27/2023
  • Expires on 07/31/2024

See the position requirements and send your resume.

Project title: A Connected History of the Middle Ages: Communication and Circulation from the Mediterranean (FAPESP process 21/02912-3).

Position: Technical Training Level 4 Scholarship

Supervisor name: Marcelo

Type (JC, undergrad, master, PhD, PD): (undergraduate)

Scholarship Amount: BRL$ 3.810.40

Weekly Work Hours: 40 hours

Number of months: 24 months

The selected candidate will work at the intersection of Data Science and History, assisting in the development of a georeferenced analytical digital platform and a data lake based on the information collected by the researchers of the Thematic Project.


  • Expertise in areas such as Data Science (especially Python language)
  • Web Development (PHP, Javascript, CSS, or HTML)
  • UX (InDesign)
  • Data management systems (MySQL) are recommended


  • Experience with Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) is considered a plus.

Necessary requirements for candidacy include:

  • Undergraduate degree
  • At least two years of research or professional experience post-graduation, or a master’s degree.

Interested candidates are requested to send their Academic Transcript and Curriculum Vitae (highlighting knowledge and experiences) to historiaconectada.fflch@usp.br. Subsequently, interviews will be scheduled with pre-selected candidates.

Duration: 24 months

Workplace: University of São Paulo Campus da Capital (fflch-USP)

Characteristics and values: On-site, 40 hours per week, 24 months, BRL$ 3.810.40

Address: Avenida Professor Lineu Prestes, 338 – Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP

Closed Opportunities

Here you can find the positions, scholarships and opportunities no available in the C4AI.

REF:21PESQ001Líder de Captação de Recursos para Diversidade & InclusãoENCERRADOCaptação de Recursos para Diversidade & InclusãoClique aqui para ver os detalhes
REF:22TT4-003Bolsista TT-4 para infraestrutura computacionalENCERRADOInfraestrutura computacional para dados, projetos e processamento de alto desempenhoClique aqui para ver os detalhes
REF:22PDR001Pós-doutorado em construção de modelos causaisENCERRADOConstrução de modelos causais a partir de dados crus para tomada de decisões multicritérioClique aqui para ver os detalhes
REF:22PHD002Doutorado em construção de modelos causaisENCERRADOConstrução de modelos causais a partir de dados crus para tomada de decisões multicritérioClique aqui para ver os detalhes
REF:22PESQ002Programa de iniciação científica para apoio a Diversidade & InclusãoENCERRADOSeleção de discentes regulares de graduação da USP para participação no IC com bolsa de estudos para apoio à PID.Clique aqui para ver os detalhes
REF:23TT4-004Treinamento Técnico em Tecnologia da InformaçãoENCERRADOImplementar algoritmos de pesquisa em sistema de raciocínio automático que combina redes neurais e programas lógicosClique aqui para ver os detalhes
REF:23TT4A-005Cientista de dadosENCERRADOInteligência Artificial e Arquivos: Contribuições à História da Arte e às Humanidades DigitaisClique aqui para ver os detalhes
REF:23TT4A-006Desenvolvedor Web com Ênfase em Plataforma WordPressENCERRADOInteligência Artificial e Arquivos: Contribuições à História da Arte e às Humanidades DigitaisClique aqui para ver os detalhes