Events History

Check out events, seminars, roundtables organized by C4AI

ChatBot & ChatGPT

Learn more about USP's artificial intelligence tool - Fernando Santos Osório - 06/22/2023

RJI Show 2023 - Closing - CPS Research Professors - 11/01/2023

The University has an obligation to study ChatGPT and show its defects and virtues - Glauco Arbix - 04/21/2023

ILP CICLE - FAPESP DE CIÊNCIA E INOVAÇÃO - Inteligência artificial: chatGPT, colaboração ou ameaça? - Dora Kaufman, João Paulo, Marcelo Finger, Frederico Bortolato, Carlos Américo Pacheco - 03/27/2023

Conversational agents, language models, chatbots - Fábio Cozman - 03/21/2023

ChatGPT: potential, limits and implications for the University - Comunidade USP e especialistas - 03/21/2023

Dialogues with Glauco Arbix: ChatGPT - Dialogues: Glauco Arbix - 03/18/2023

ChatGPT in science. - Fernando Osório - 02/28/2023

This is time of ChatGPT: why does a chatbot generate so much debate? - Solange Rezende, Fernando Osório, Seiji Isotnai e Thiago Pardo - 02/11/2023

Perspectives in AI Seminars

Exploring the limits of textual information and open models for video question answering - Thamar Solorio - 02/20/2024

Should we be loyal to cheaters? Using reinforcement learning to find out - Paolo Turrini - 02/02/2024

Data disquiet: how policymakers have failed to effectively govern data for generative AI - Susan Ariel Aaronson - 12/20/2023

A description logic journey - Franz Baader - 10/31/2023

Deep learning for automated planning - Felipe W. Trevizan - 09/20/2023

Bounding counterfactual queries in causal reasoning - Alessandro Antonucci - 07/26/2023

Symbolic AI 3.0: Rise of the LLMs - Scott Sanner - 11/08/2023

How to better represent the meaning of words? - Antônio Horta Branco - 05/31/2023

Leveraging differentiable simulation for reinforcement learning and Bayesian domain randomization - Fábio Ramos - 04/26/2023

Computation of decision and enumeration problems of abstract argumentation frameworks: theoretical and practical aspects - Odinaldo Rodrigues - 03/08/2023

Principles of explainable machine learning: interpretability, reasoning and beyond - Vaishak Belle - 06/08/2022

Applying theory to practice: from the threshold algorithm to logical neural nets - Ronald Fagin - 11/29/2021

The third wave of AI - Kristian Kersting - 10/21/2021

Artificial intelligence at the service of society to analyse human arguments - Charles Bouveyron and Serena Villata - 10/10/2021

Data science against COVID-19 - Nuria Oliver - 09/09/2021

Computation of decision and enumeration problems of abstract argumentation frameworks: theoretical and practical aspects - Tommie Meyer - 07/08/2021

Towards fully unsupervised and advisable learning - Trevor Darrell - 06/17/2021

Computational probabilistic models - Guy Van den Broeck - 03/31/2021

Socially assistive robotics: implications for health, education, training, and the future of work - Maja Matarić - 03/18/2021

Focus on the goal, not the ball: critical opportunities for the future of artificial intelligence and machine learning - Scott Sanner - 02/25/2021

Computational probabilistic models - Luis Lamb - 02/24/2021

Enhancing human cognition - Pattie Maes - 12/08/2020

BRACIS + C4AI Keynote Speaker # David Cox - Talk: neuro symbolic AI - David Cox - 10/22/2020

Round Table

Sector perspectives - Fernando Filgueiras Rafael Dias - 09/22/2023

Challenges and opportunities of AI - Miriam Wimmer Eduardo Paranhos - 08/22/2023

Online seminar: integration of agrodata - Embrapa, Universidade de São Paulo, Lawgorithm, Legal Grounds Institute, Center for Artificial Intelligence (C4AI) - 05/11/2023

AI and the fight against hunger and food insecurity - Semíramis Martins Álvares Domene (UNIFESP e IEA-USP), Marcelo Cândido da Silva (FFLCH-USP, e GT USP de Combate à Fome e Insegurança Alimentar), Evandro Saidel Ribeiro (FEARP-USP), e Rodrigo Yoiti Tsukahara (Fundação ABC). O evento será mediado por Antonio M. Saraiva (IEA e Poli-USP) e Alexandre C.B. Delbem (ICMC-USP) - 06/02/2022

AI in Focus: Algorithmic discrimination: the role of diversity and inclusion in aI - Andreza Rocha, Tarcízio Silva, Valdinei Freire, Laura Simões Camargo - 05/19/2022

Accountability and public policy - Cristina Godoy e Manoel Galdino - Rodrigo Brandão - 04/28/2022

Artificial intelligence and democracy - Cristina Godoy, Rubens Beçak e Alfredo Attié Kaleo Dornaika - 11/24/2021

Regulation of the use of aI in Brazil - Eduardo Bismarck (PDT-CE) e Fabio Rua (IBM) - 10/27/2021

The superindustry of the imaginary - Eugênio Bucci, Dora Kaufman, Vitor Blotta e Rodrigo Brandão - 09/23/2021

Artificial intelligence centers - André C. de Carvalho, Virgílio A. Almeida, João M. Romano, Antônio S. Neto, Jefferson de O. Gomes, Francisco R. Cavalcanti e Fabio G. Cozman - 06/24/2021

Brazilian artificial intelligence strategy - Paulo C. Alvim, Glauco Arbix, André Carlos de Carvalho, Fabio Cozman - 05/07/2021

Tech Law | Joint Seminars

TTS applied to the generation of datasets for automatic speech recognition - Edresson Casanova - 04/17/2024

Getting to know IBM's AI strategy and WatsonX - Fabio Lima - 04/03/2024

Robots project at Japan House São Paulo - Toshio Fukuda, Yasuhisa Hirata e Zaven Paré - 04/20/2024

Combating misinformation threatening security - Carolina Scarton - 01/24/2024

Unveiling the transformer architecture: fundamentals, applications, and future perspectives - Rodrigo Nogueira - 12/06/2023

Difficulties and challenges for indigenous language translation - Paulo Cavalin, Pedro Domingues, Claudio Pinhanez e Julio Nogima - 10/18/2023

MClimate projects and radiance data assimilation by neural networks - Antonio Saraiva e Alexandre Delbem - 10/04/2023

Early detection of extreme storm - Marcel Barros - 08/30/2023

Compression and acceleration of deep neural networks - Arthur Jordão - 06/14/2023

Demystifying artificial intelligence - Renato Tinós - 04/12/2023

Conference: the relationship between law and technology - Ricardo Campos - 03/24/2023

CID presentation and 2022 gathering - Vários palestrantes - 12/21/2022

Innovation acceleration tripod: concept and practice for organizations - Daniela Motta Monte Serrat Cabella - 11/23/2022

Information security: confidential computing - Fernando Kaway Carvalho Ota - 10/26/2022

A physics-informed neural network for modeling harbor channels - Marlon S. Mathias - 09/14/2022

Public policies and regulation of artificial intelligence - Dora Kaufman e João Paulo Veiga - 08/17/2022

I ntroduction to Foundation Language - Paulo Cavalin, Pedro Domingues (IBM Research Brazil) - 03/30/2022

(english) HS 2021 - December 14 - morning conferences - Palestrante principal: Keeley Crockett (Manchester Metropolitan University), Renata Wasserman - 12/14/2021

(original audio) HS 2021 - December 14 - morning - Palestrante principal: Keeley Crockett (Manchester Metropolitan University) - Renata Wasserman - 12/14/2021

(portuguese) HS 2021 - December 14 - morning - Palestrante principal: Keeley Crockett (Manchester Metropolitan University) - Renata Wasserman - 12/14/2021

(original audio) HS 2021 - December 14 - Afternoon - João Paulo Cândia Veiga, Gabriella Seiler - 12/14/2021

(portuguese) HS 2021 - December 14 - Afternoon - João Paulo Cândia Veiga, Gabriella Seiler - 12/14/2021

(english) HS 2021 - December 14 - Afternoon - Genevieve Bell - 12/14/2021

HS 2021 - Panel I - About AI Governance and Regulation - João Paulo Cândia Veiga Comentadores: Cristina Godoy - 12/13/2021

HS 2021 - Panel II and III - Álvaro Comin Comentadores: Valdinei Freire - 12/13/2021

(original audio) HS 2021 - Opening Session and Lecture High Risks at the High Court - Burkhard Schafer (Edimburgo University) Mediador: Ary Plonsky - 12/13/2021

(portuguese) HS 2021 - Opening Session and Lecture High Risks at the High Court - Burkhard Schafer (Edimburgo University) Mediador: Ary Plonsky - 12/13/2021

(english) HS 2021 - Opening Session and Conference: High Risks at the High Court - Burkhard Schafer (Edimburgo University) Mediador: Ary Plonsky - 12/13/2021

1 st Workshop do Centro de Inteligência Artificial (C4AI) - Ronald Fagin, (IBM Research - Almaden) - 11/29/202

1 st Workshop of the C4AI | Perspectives in aI seminar of the C4AI - Ronald Fagin - Ronald Fagin, (IBM Research - Almaden) - 11/29/2021

BRACIS 2021: The 10  th brazilian conference on intelligent systems - C4AI, USP, FEI - 11/29/2021

1 st Workshop C4AI - Event co-hosted by Bracis 2021 and C4AI - 11/29/2021

C4AI Meetings

The current and future directions of C4AI - leaders of various research challenges - 08/16/2023

2 ° anniversary celebration of the C4AI - 10/19/2022

Apresentar o centro C4AI e suas atividades - Dr. Ronald Fagin, (IBM Research - Almaden) - 11/29/2021

Kickoff meeting Center for Artificial Intelligence C4AI - Fábio Cozman (USP - Deputy Director, C4AI of IBM/USP/FAPESP) e Cláudio Pinhanez (IBM - Deputy Director, C4AI of IBM/USP/FAPESP) - 10/18/2020

Press & Media

Webinar "Hi Innovation" - artificial intelligence with C4AI and IBM - Claudio Pinhanez, Fábio Gagliardi Cozman, Luiz Henrique Catalani - 04/12/2023

Ex_Machina chat: artificial instinct | CineScience - José Luiz Goldfarb - 03/21/2023

Special scientific initiation program of the Inclusion and Diversity Committee - C4AI 2022 - Renata Wassermann, Valdinei Freire da Silva - 11/09/2022  

C4AI: The USP+IBM+FAPESP partnership focused on artificial intelligence - IV SEnC - Alexandre Delbem, Fabio Gagliardi Cozman, Fernando Santos Osório e Marcelo Finger. - 10/26/2022

Democracy and artificial intelligence (Portuguese language) – Commission of Jurists - 06/09/2022

Public hearings on artificial intelligence – Commission of Jurists - 05/18/2022

Fourth day of debates on artificial intelligence - 2 nd part- Commission of Jurists - 05/13/2022

Fourth day of debates on artificial intelligence - 1 st part - Commission of Jurists - 05/13/2022

Regulation of artificial intelligence continues to be debated by the commission of jurists - 2 nd part - Commission of Jurists - 05/12/2022

Regulation of artificial intelligence continues to be debated in the commission of jurists - 1 st part - Commission of Jurists - 05/12/2022

Debate on regulation of artificial intelligence – Commission of Jurists - 04/29/2022

Debate panels on regulation of artificial intelligence – Commission of Jurists - 04/28/2022

Regulation of artificial intelligence continues to be debated in the commission of jurists 1 st part - Commission of Jurists - 04/28/2022

Commission of jurists promotes debates on regulation of artificial intelligence – 2 nd part - Commission of Jurists - 04/19/2022

Agenda 2023 - economic policy for the development of CT&I - Guilherme Ary Plonski (Diretor do IEA/USP) - 04/14/2022

Agenda 2023 – rebuilding brazilian ST&I policies: where to start? - Luiz Eugênio Mello, Glauco Arbix - 04/05/2022

HS 2021 - Painel I – sobre governança e regulação da IA - João Paulo Cândia Veiga Comentadores: Cristina Godoy - 12/13/2021

The use of artificial intelligence in education: expanding access or automating inequality? - Giselle Ferreira (Professora Adjunta no Departamento de Educação da PUC-RJ) e Luis Junqueira (sócio-fundador da Letrus) - Mediação: Murillo Marschner (FFLCH-USP e C4AI) - 11/20/2021

Artificial intelligence legal framework - Conversations - Francisco Brito Cruz (FD-USP e Internetlab) e Juliano Maranhão (FD-USP), João Paulo Cândia Veiga (FFLCH-USP e C4AI)] - 11/18/2021

The social implications of facial recognition: the case of public security - Lívia Ruback (Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro – UFRRJ) e Pablo Nunes (Centro de Estudos de Segurança e Cidadania – CESeC) - 10/26/2021

Special scientific initiation program of the inclusion and diversity committee – C4AI - Renata Wassermann, Fabio Cozman, Valdinei Freire da Silva, Claudio Pinhanez - 09/27/2021

Artificial intelligence and work: the challenges to education by the new human-machine interfaces - Ibrahim Kushchu (TheNextMinds) e Alexandre Le Voci Sayad (ZeitGeist Educação/UNESCO MIL Alliance, Dora Kaufman (PUC-SP) - 10/19/2021

Robotics is coming to school, to the hospital... to our house! Are we ready? - Esther Luna Colombini (Instituto de Computação da Universidade Estadual de Campinas) e Anna Priscilla de Albuquerque Wheler (Ontario Tech University, Canadian National Institute for the Blind, CNIB Research e Mitacs) - Sarajane Marques Peres (Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades da Universidade de São Paulo-EACH USP e Center for Artificial Intelligence-C4AI - USP/IBM/FAPESP - 09/20/2021

Law, innovation and artificial intelligence - Cristina Godoy Bernardo de Oliveira (IEA USP) Eduardo Altomare Ariente (OIC IEA USP e UPM) e Maria Edelvacy Marinho (OIC IEA USP e UPM) - 07/19/2021

The Evolution of the Brazilian Industry towards the 4.0 standard and its implementation at the IPT AI Center - IPT - 06/23/2021

SciBiz 2020 - Painel C4AI (Center for A.I.) - Claudio Pinhanez, Fernando Osório, Marcelo Finger, Alexandre Delbem - 11/18/2020

BRACIS + C4AI Keynote Speaker # David Cox - Talk: neuro symbolic aI - David Cox - 10/22/2020

[SAIF 2020] Day 2: Live streaming | Samsung - Samsung AI forum 2020 - Day 2 - 02/11/2020

Dialogues at USP - Artificial intelligence (Block 1) - Glauco Arbix e Fabio G. Cozman - 08/18/2019

Dialogues at USP - Artificial intelligence (Block 2) - Glauco Arbix e Fabio G. Cozman - 08/18/2019